Translation Industry Blog and Translation Tips - Absolute Translations
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Insight and tips from translation experts

Our translation blog brings you industry insight, translation tips and tidbits.

Multilingual DTP services are essential to businesses looking for international growth in a modern market. Design and copy that are aligned work in synergy to spark interest, start conversation and help to create a strong brand message. This in turn, will aid in building a positive reputation and instil trust within target audiences and new…

From breaking stories, essential updates and even the latest trends, news happens quickly and travels fast across many platforms and countries. With this is mind, it’s imperative that businesses are able to connect with new, potential audiences through utilising media and PR translation services. Afterall, your relationship with your target demographic can only be enhanced…

In an ever-changing technological world, the need for professional technical translation services is consistently increasing. With the majority of corporate companies relying heavily on technology to enhance and increase business, it’s imperative for professional translation services to be used when branching into new global territory. With over 20 years of translation experience across many industries…

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Birth certificate certified translation is a highly requested translation service by individuals. A certified birth certificate is one of the primary documents needed to prove identity. This is essential for many personal circumstances. This could be purchasing a home, applying for local residency, getting married, or even a fundamental requirement from work. It’s important that…

Professional translation services are an essential part of successfully launching your brand abroad. Carefully planning your breakout into a new market is fundamental, however accomplishing this within a foreign market can be challenging! Allowing native speaking translators to ensure your story comes alive and resonates with your target audience will ensure that your brand is…

SEO translation services are essential for any business website. If you’re hoping to increase your sales and expand your reach, it’s important that you are visible to the appropriate audience from the start. In an everchanging digital age, your business must stay consistently relevant online through SEO, including translation, not only for potential consumers and…

Your website is often the first thing someone sees when it comes to your business. If people resonate with what they see and hear, they’re more likely to purchase, it’s as simple as that. Website translation services are essential if you want to leave a lasting impression, regardless of where your traffic is coming from….

Labels and packaging translation services are an essential part of successful product marketing.When we go in store to buy something, the first thing we do is check the label or packaging for more information about the product. Whether that is the price, the materials or ingredients used, or even the washing instructions; having the information…

Utilising professional proofreading services is like the cherry on top of a delicious, freshly baked cake! There are many ingredients which go into making it an exceptional, signature good, but without the finishing touches that set it apart, it instantly becomes another standard dessert. Without the use of proofreading services, you could compromise the quality…

Branding translation services are an integral part of business expanse and appealing to a much wider demographic. Without it, potential key audiences won’t be able to understand your intended marketing message. This risks alienating them and in turn, dismisses what your brand has to offer. With over 20 years of experience within the translation industry,…