Translation Industry Blog and Translation Tips - Absolute Translations
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Insight and tips from translation experts

Our translation blog brings you industry insight, translation tips and tidbits.

We Asked, You Answered

You don’t get far by ignoring your customers, and we consult with ours at every opportunity. Years of successful partnership with automotive market leaders has given us an insight into their priorities but when an industry moves this fast, priorities can change. We ended 2016 by asking a cross-section of automotive companies what their ambitions…

Keeping your oceans blue

Industrial innovation sometimes comes at a price to the environment, and our business leaders don’t always get the credit they deserve for their efforts to balance engineering excellence with eco-friendliness.Take a bow, Torqueedo. Starting in a garage in Lake Starnberg in 2004, founders Christoph Ballin and Friedrich Böbel built a business on the pioneering development…

And the winner is…

December is always a busy time for awards ceremonies, with one industry after another choosing their stars of the year. But January has its winners too, and this month’s London Boat Show will see Motor Boat and Yachting magazine crowning market leaders in categories covering all types and sizes of motorised boats from small starter…

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Looking to grow your business and succeed in global communication? We have partnered with the iconic Dummies brand to bring you ‘Translation Strategies for Dummies’.

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Connected devices on this planet already comfortably outnumber people, and the basic concept of the Internet of Things – that virtually all physical objects can be made “smart” – opens the door to new levels of communication.But how accurate is that communication, and how safe? Data security has been a hot topic for so long…

Going Rogue?

If you’re seeking a commercial partner, then teaming up with a movie franchise that’s generated over £23 billion and is still going strong is a smart move. And when the latest film has the same name as one of your own flagship products, the opportunity is too good to miss.Tomorrow sees the premiere of Rogue One,…