Translation Industry Blog and Translation Tips - Absolute Translations
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Across the world, machine translation services are used by a vast array of companies. Organisations of many different sizes to effectively communicate with their clientele. For large online organisations, like LinkedIn and Google for example, machine-assisted translations have always been a part of their professional blueprint. With many companies aspiring to offer the same reputable…

Transcription services involve the process of taking audio or spoken parts of a file and turning them into written documentation. If you want to accurately turn audio into a text-based file, it’s important that you utilise a professional transcription service. From standard audio transcription to video subtitling, transcription is a fundamental part of business expansion…

It’s easy to take clear communication for granted when we interact daily with those who speak the same languages as us. However, when we are faced with situations in which we can’t converse due to linguistic barriers, it can pose complications. To avoid this, native interpreters are needed. Whether you are seeking professional interpreters in…

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It’s no secret that aviation is the fastest growing worldwide transport network. This industry is a vital part of international business, tourism and bringing cultures together. Without it, our world would feel much smaller. It is also worth noting that in the last year, COVID-19 has presented a barrier for tourists and airlines alike and…

China has a population of over 1.4 million. This makes it an ideal market for any company, especially within the medical industry. Health care is essential to daily life across the globe; it will always need to come first over any industry. Those who require it should have access to health products and services in…

It is estimated that over 200,000 British people have emigrated to France over the years. Whether for retirement or an easy life, this country has become a popular choice for its weather, beautiful views, and exquisite cuisine. If an individual, couple, or family decide to move to France, they will need to present certain documents…

As with any legal document, prenuptial agreements may also need translating from time to time. Absolute Translations have been providing prenuptial agreements translation services for over two decades. Our team have expert knowledge in the legal sector to ensure any prenuptial agreements you receive translations for are still legally sound. What is a prenuptial agreement?…

Despite originating from a small corner of the world, Burmese is still spoken globally by over 33 million individuals. No matter where you are in the world, if you are likely to deal with people who speak Burmese as their first language, you will need to make use of professional Burmese interpreting services. Absolute Translations…

In this digital age, it is important that businesses have a fully translated and localised website. This is especially the case for companies who are wanting to expand into countries that speak other languages, such as Hebrew. Hebrew website translation services can benefit businesses across the globe and open up exciting opportunities within a new…

As an overseas company wanting to set up a physical store to carry out business within the UK, you will need to acquire a certificate of incorporation from Companies House. This can be challenging, especially when your business may not currently operate with English as it’s native language. Absolute Translations provide professional certificates of incorporation…