Our translation of manuals, instruction booklets and catalogues is aimed at today’s global marketplace. From small independent brands to huge international corporations, namely BASF, Samsung, Olympus, Kodak, Microsoft, SafetyKleen and AESSEAL, we’re trusted to develop quality manuals in industries as diverse as automotive, aviation, electronics or health and safety. From complex technical manuals to quick start guides for smartphones, our translations tell your end user what they need to know in an efficient way that allows them to relate to your message. Hence why multinational brands trust us to develop accurate manual and instruction booklet translations for their products, perfectly pitched for the end user. They know we’ll deploy a translation team designed specifically for their brief, composed of native language speakers, marketing professionals and technical experts. Our ISO 17100:2015 certification is proof of our ongoing commitment to better management, better service structure and better results in more than 200 language combinations.
ISO 17100 The first UK translation company to achieve this specialist translation accreditation. ISO 9001 international processes accreditation.
Selected by Goldman Sachs to be an exclusive member of its £500 million productivity & growth investment programme.
There to re-enforce our commitment to the highest standards of business ethics and translation quality.
Celebrating 20+ years, Absolute Translations has become synonymous with providing quality translations at transparent low prices.
Absolute Translations is registered to have its information and security systems independently regulated for GDPR compliance
From single-language translations of your handbooks and corporate manuals to multilingual product manual design, the Absolute service is tested and accredited by industry experts. The purpose of your handbooks informs the way we translate them. Internal handbooks are pitched to create a clear brand message for employees, targeting key values and promoting productivity and corporate unity in global offices. Publicly distributed handbooks, such as white papers and promotional advice guides, are written to educate the consumer, outlining the value of your services and creating thousands of brand fans and repeat customers.
Our commitment to quality doesn’t stop with our own translations. We offer you an integrated service that includes multilingual DTP design and gives you the unique ability to re-design your manual in a ready-to-print format. We are experts at re-structuring manuals in any language, ensuring that we keep consistent with the personality of your branding. We understand the sensitive nature of your material, therefore all manuals are treated as confidential and our translations are bound by non-disclosure agreements.
Are you looking to grow your business and succeed in global communication? We have partnered with the iconic Dummies brand to bring you ‘Translation Strategies for Dummies’.
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Showing our 5 star reviews
Professional, great experie…
The translation was carried out quickly and correctly. I received clear instructions and my expectat…
Excellent service
Excellent service from start to finish! Would highly recommend
Great service
Fast and professional
Medical report translated
I had to get a medical report translated. Was very fast and easy process. With fast delivery. Highly…
Timely and accurate transla…
Timely and accurate translation. Would use again.
Quick and efficient transla…
Quick and efficient translations
Good translator’s who…
Good translator’s who do a great job. Got my translation back in 7 days
Helpful stuff
Helpful stuff, prompt answers to my questions, quality job done! Thank you.
Good service
Good service
Fast, efficient and friendly service
Quick turnover
Quick turnover
Excellent service
Excellent service. All questions answered promptly. Received my translation on-line and in post with…
Thanks!! Absolute has always given us an efficient, seamless service. We have worked together for a…
Absolute Translations ̵…
Absolute Translations are absolutely superb, I’ve used them multiple times in 2024. The service is …
Amazing service
Amazing service, in time, very professional, knowledgeable, kind and approachable. 10/10
Excellent Service — E…
As always, Absolute Translations delivers excellent translations in a timely manner. We couldn’t be …
The service and support.
The service and support.
Good communication and got …
Good communication and got the job done quickly.
A competitive price and a s…
A competitive price and a speedy delivery. Friendly and helpful staff.